FELICE Kick-off meeting
The EU-project FELICE “FLEXIBLE ASSEMBLY MANUFACTURING WITH HUMAN-ROBOT COLLABORATION AND DIGITAL TWIN MODELS” has officially started on 01.01.2021 and the online kick-off meeting took place on January 25th and 26th. More than 40 representatives’ from 13 project partners from six countries – Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy, Ireland, and Poland – presented the planned project activities related to the work packages (see WPs and project structure separately here).
The project is coordinated by ICCS – NTUA (Greece).

The project will develop concepts, models and solutions for the flexible use of collaborative robots and adaptive workstations in manual automotive assembly. A multi-sensor system and simulations with digital twins will help to ensure that automation solutions work flexibly, safely, economically and ergonomically alongside people.
The first Deliverable D9.1 “Project website and visual identity” will be ready end of February 2021.