Development Update: The FELICE Digital Mirror
The Digital Mirror is an additional part of the FELICE Digital Twin. It has to be considered as an approach to provide an add-on, i.e. something not originally foreseen and in addition to what is already stated in the FELICE technical proposal. The Digital Mirror uses some of the features and functionalities of the Real Time Virtual Simulation. It provides a replica in a synthetic and 3D virtual environment of the CRF assembly line. The data and information that feeds the Digital Twin are taken from the FIWARE Context Broker via subscriptions. The “accuracy” of the replica depends on the data published to the FIWARE Context Broker by the other relevant FELICE software modules.
The Digital Mirror acts as a twin of the real environment because it is fed with data and information coming from the real entities of the assembly line (e.g. the robot, the adaptive workstation, the operators, etc.) while the workflow is in progress. Any decision taken by the Orchestrator is executed in the real line and therefore in the Digital Mirror. It includes a VR module where the user can receive information about the assembly line, thus providing the user with a reasoning and monitoring environment where relevant data can be displayed or retrieved.