FELICE project: overview and results

FELICE project: overview and results

After 48 months, the FELICE project was completed in December 2024. The team worked hard to develop technologies, methods and tools to combine and harmonize a number of next-generation technologies into a single platform: the FELICE system. Get a glimpse of what has been achieved in our newly released manual mode demonstration video:

Keep an eye out for more information on the results of the project. Some information has already been published in the last FELICE newsletter, more will be added to the website soon.

Interested in collaborating or using FELICE technologies? Please contact us. Part of our work has been made available in open datasets on ZENODO or in open source repositories on GitHub:

Software: FELICE C# FIWARE clienthttps://github.com/fabianspitzer/FiwareNet
Software: FELICE Skill & Capability modelsource code available on request
FELICE contribution to: HeuristicLab – Framework for heuristic and evolutionary Algorithms Softwarehttps://github.com/heal-research/HeuristicLab
Software: RealsenseRecord – Tools for acquiring, recording, synchronizing and replaying the RGB, depth, gyroscope and accelerometer measurements from Intel Realsense camerashttps://github.com/ehourdakis/RealsenseRecord
Software: PosQuatEKF – An Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) for a position-quaternion state space systemhttps://github.com/ehourdakis/PosQuatEKF
Software: SBA – Generic Sparse Bundle Adjustment Based on the Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithmhttps://github.com/mlourakis/sba
Software: SQPnP – A fast and optimal Perspective-n-Point solverhttps://github.com/terzakig/sqpnp

OpenCV port at https://github.com/opencv/opencv/blob/4.x/modules/calib3d/src/sqpnp.cpp
Software: Singular Value Decomposition for 3×3 matriceshttps://github.com/mlourakis/svd3x3
Code base for ICPR 2021 paper: “A Globally Optimal Method for the PnP Problem with MRP Rotation Parameterization”https://github.com/mlourakis/optDLSmrp
Code base for ICRA 2024 paper: “Efficient Pose Prediction with Rational Regression applied to vSLAM”https://github.com/terzakig/RRP
Code base for ICPR 2024 paper: “Fast and Consistently Accurate Perspective-n-Line Pose Estimation”https://github.com/terzakig/sqpnl/
Software: Object Detection & Localization (ODL) ROS service for Edge deviceshttps://github.com/POSE-Lab/i6DL-Edge
Software: Light-weight 6D pose estimation for Edge devices, ROS-independenthttps://github.com/POSE-Lab/i6DL-Edge-Lite
Software: Synthetic Data Generation tools for 6D pose estimationhttps://github.com/POSE-Lab/6DL-PoseGenerator
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