
Development update: FELICE Adaptive Workstation (AWS)

The Institute of Human Factors and Ergonomics (IAD) of the Technical University Darmstadt has completed the Adaptive Workstation Phase II prototype for integration into the Campus Manufacturing Line of the Centro Ricerche Fiat (CRF) in Melfi, Italy in September 2023. In current production systems, the assembly of larger work objects, such as car doors, can…
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1 November 2023 0

Research update: Human Behaviour Understanding

Visual monitoring of human behaviour during work activities is important for task progress monitoring to support fluency in human-robot collaboration, and for worker safety in industrial environments by assessing potential ergonomic risks through posture analysis. Ongoing integration activities of ICCS and FORTH aim to a) optimise the real-time extraction of 3D human pose information by…
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1 November 2023 0

Development Update: speech and gesture command recognition

UNISA is working on Phase II of the FELICE prototype system, improving the speech command recognition subsystem deployed on board the adaptive workstation and the robot. The module developed by UNISA controls the height and inclination of the adaptive workstation using voice commands. Furthermore, the operator can ask the robot to take specific tools, namely…
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13 August 2023 0

Update by CRF: Why flexible production systems matter

In a time of great change, automotive companies must adopt an approach focused on greater production flexibility to maintain profitability and product quality. Flexible manufacturing is able to respond to fluctuations and changes in demand that occur in increasingly shorter timescales than in the past. The FELICE project aims to support the increase of flexibility…
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13 August 2023 0

Research Update by Fraunhofer IML

Fraunhofer IML is currently working on the detection of the stress of human workers utilizing a Brain Computer Interface (BCI). Simple cognitive tests are conducted with several subjects. At the end, the subjects have to complete a questionnaire in addition. This helps the researchers to better understand cognitive load under certain circumstances and help robotic…
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5 July 2023 0

Development Update: FH OOE Demonstrator

Within the FELICE project, besides the main showcase at CRF in Melfi, a second alternative showcase is in use. This demonstrator is developed at the R&D department of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. The goal of this second demonstrator is to prove the versatility and ease of use of the FELICE framework and…
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5 July 2023 0

Development update: The FELICE Digital Twin

CAL-TEK is working on Phase II of the FELICE system prototype where new parts and functionalities of the Digital Twin will be released. In particular, the Phase II prototype of the Digital Twin will include a Real-Time Virtual Simulation environment. Real-Time Virtual Simulation is an approach to provide a more realistic testing environment for the…
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5 June 2023 0

Development update: Human-Robot collaboration in FELICE

The introduction of human-robot collaboration does not necessarily result in improving work. From the point of ergonomics, automation technology should also result in an increase in human well-being. This is one major focus of the FELICE project. How can the resilience and endurance of a robot be combined with the cognitive abilities of humans? Classically,…
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31 May 2023 0

Development update: FELICE Adaptive Workstation (AWS)

The Institute for Human Factors and Ergonomics (TUD) entered the second phase of development for the Adaptive Workstation (AWS). The goal of the system is to adapt specific workplace dimensions to fit the individual needs of workers in assembly automatically. In FELICE, this includes the adaptation of the work object’s position for two degrees of…
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24 May 2023 0

New Open Access journal publication: “6D Object Localization in Car-Assembly Industrial Environment”

A. Papadaki and M. Pateraki published a new peer-reviewed FELICE publication in the Journal of Imaging titled ‘6D Object Localization in Car-Assembly Industrial Environment’. In this work, a visual object detection and localization workflow integrated into a robotic platform is presented for the single-view 6D pose estimation of objects with challenging characteristics in terms of weak…
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23 March 2023 0